Rent index survey in the city of Passau
In 2013, the city of Passau created a qualified rent index for the first time using a regression analysis, which was accepted by the stakeholders of tenants and lessors. After 2 years, the rent index was adjusted to market developments and updated on the basis of the increase in the price index for the standard of living of all private households in Germany. This updated qualified rent index (according to §558d BGB) was accepted by the "Haus- und Grundbesitzerverein Passau e.V." and the "Mieterverein Passau e.V." on May 12, 2015. After further two years, a new survey now is to be conducted for the preparation of the new rent index.
A new rent index is to be drawn up for 2017. The CENTOURIS Institute at the University of Passau was commissioned to collect the data. The data collection 2017 is based on a random procedure and thus claims to representativeness. The evaluation and thus the calculation of the rent index is carried out by the statistics office of the city of Passau itself.
The development of the questionnaire and the coordination of the study design are carried out in close cooperation with the city of Passau.
After an introductory short survey on the actual rent index relevance, a total of 930 randomly selected persons from the city of Passau are interviewed about their housing conditions with the help of our trained interviewer staff. In addition to conducting interviews from our institute's own telephone studio, numerous on-site surveys are conducted and the opportunity to participate via online form is provided. Missing information from the tenant survey are supplemented by contacting individual lessors.
All interviews were conducted computer-assisted, face-to-face (via telephone or face-to-face on-site using tablets), or via online questionnaire during the survey period January - April 2017. The mix of methods allows the city of Passau to be provided with a total of 861 data sets as a basis for the calculation and creation of a qualified rent index.