Contract research

Significance and development of tourism in the Allgäu region from the point of view of locals

A representative telephone survey with 1,854 interviews

​​​​​​Keywords: Overtourism ・ Allgäu ・ representativ ・ Telephone survey ・ University of Applied Sciences Kempten


Many destinations face the great challenge of being visited by more and more tourists. To a certain extent, this is also desirable in terms of increasing revenue development. However, the zenith seems to be passed when the increasing number of visitors becomes a daily burden for the local population. Even in the Allgäu region, there are known tourist highlights that attract tourists throughout Germany and even worldwide and seem to lead to overtourism on a temporary or local basis.

Our Goal 

With the study commissioned by Kempten University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Tourism Management), we want to determine how the local population perceives tourism in the Allgäu region:

  • What is the importance of tourism for the Allgäu region?
  • How should tourism develop further from the point of view of the locals?
  • How is the phenomenon of "overtourism" perceived within the local population of the Allgäu region? Where and when does one perhaps already reach the limit of what is bearable? Is the balance between economic importance and personal restrictions still maintained by tourism?
  • What possibilities are there to counteract the (in some places) increasing burden of tourism?

Our Approach

The development of the questionnaire and the coordination of the study design are carried out in close cooperation with the Kempten University of Applied Sciences.

A total of 1,854 people from the four districts of Ostallgäu, Oberallgäu, Unterallgäu and Lindau can be interviewed in a population-representative manner according to the characteristics age (18 years and older), gender and origin.

All interviews will be computer-assisted and conducted face-to-face in the survey period March-May 2019.

"The study results will serve as the basis for the discussion to be held in October 2020 on the topic of "Significance and development of tourism in the Allgäu region from the perspective of locals" at Kempten University of Applied Sciences."

[initiated by Prof. Dr. Alfred Bauer]   

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