As a research institute, we are also dedicated to publishing scientific findings based on our project content. Below you will find an overview of our publications.
Scientific Publications
Totzek, D., & Mang, S. (2024). How research centers can support academic engagement and make an impact on SMEs and regional ecosystems. In How to Achieve Societal Impact through Engaged and Collaborative Scholarship (pp. 364-378). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Haderer, C., Mang, S., Maier, J. (2024). "Services provided through nature-based solutions - Citizens perception of NBS for improving their quality of life and wellbeing", accepted: Frontiers in Service Conference 2024, Amelia Island, Florida.
Ueberwimmer, M., Muravjova, V., Hammer, H., Ehrlinger, D., Mang, S., Haderer, C. (2024). "Customer acceptance of recycled packaging in Austria and Germany", accepted: Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2024, Steyr, Österreich.
Dauti, E., Haderer, C., Mang, S., Überwimmer, M., Ehrlinger, D. (2024). "Towards a Fully Circular Plastic Packaging Industry - Exploring Challenges and Development Potential," accepted: EMAC 2024, European Marketing Association Conference, Bucharest, Romania, May 29 - 31.
Mang, S., Haderer, C. (2023). "The increased importance of digital servitization for manufacturers – a central European comparison", angenommen: QUIS18, International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice, Hanoi.
Hirsch, S., Kellerer, F., Zimmermann, J., & Mang, S. (2022). User Perspectives on Bidirectional Charging – Insights from the Field Trial of the Research Project “Bidirectional Charging Management”. 17th International MTZ Congress Powertrains and Energy Systems of Tomorrow 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Baumgartner, N., Kellerer, F., Ruppert, M., Hirsch, S., Mang, S., & Fichtner, W. (2022). Does experience matter? Assessing user motivations to accept a vehicle-to-grid charging tariff. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 113, 103528.
Thurner, P. W., Klima, A., Küchenhoff, H., Mauerer, I., Mang, S., Walter-Rogg, M., Heinrich, T., Knieper, T., Schnurbus, J. (2022). Micromotives of Vote Switchers and Macrotransitions: The Case of the Immigration Issue in a Regional Earthquake Election in Germany 2018. Polit Vierteljahresschrift (2022).
Kellerer, F., Zimmermann, J., Hirsch, S., Mang, S., (forthcoming). Creating and sustaining user engagement in bidirectional charging. 16th International MTZ Congress Powertrains and Energy Systems of Tomorrow 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Mang, S., Korter, C., Biedersberger, A., Überwimmer, M., Ehrlinger, D. (2022). "Manufacturers' increased importance of services and their offered services - an AI based approach", angenommen: QUIS17, International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice, Valencia.
Stadlmann, C., Aufreiter, D., Berend, G., Szánto, Z., Mang, S., Korter, C., Biedersberger, A. (2022). "An AI-based investigation of regional manufacturing servitization levels", angenommen: QUIS17, International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice, Valencia.
Baumgartner, N., Kellerer, F., Dreisbusch, M., Mang, S., Ruppert, M., Fichtner, W. (2022). Persisting barriers in the context of vehicle to grid: exploring the role of minimum security range based on consumer experience. 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium (EMOB 2021). Hybride Konferenz, 77–83, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2021.2508
Stadlmann, C., Berend G., Fratric, A., Szánto, Z., Aufreiter, D., Überwimmer, M., Mang, S. (2021). "Find me if you can! Identification of services on websites by human beings and artificial intelligence.", angenommen: ICMarktech 2021, Teneriffa. (Best Paper awarded)
Aufreiter, D., Ehrlinger, D., Stadlmann, C., Überwimmer, M., Biedersberger, Anna Korter, C., Mang, S. (2021). Automatic information retrievement for exporting services: First project findings from the development of an AI based export decision supporting instrument. In Marketing Science & Inspirations, 16(2), 2–11.
Dreisbusch Marina, Mang Stefan, Ried Sabrina, Kellerer Franziska, Pfab Xaver (2020), "Regulierung des netzdienlichen Ladens aus der Nutzerperspektive", ATZelektronik (11) 2020, 72-77.
Biedersberger Anna, Korter Christina, Mang Stefan, Stadlmann Christian, Tempelmayr David, Überwimmer Margarethe (2020), "A contingency model for international Servitization", angenommen: Spring Servitization Conference 2020, Birmingham.
Berend Gábor, Stadlmann Christian, Mang Stefan, Überwimmer Margarethe (2020), "A Tool for Automatic Extraction of Information from Company Web Sites in the Field of International Servitization", angenommen: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020, New York.
Mang Stefan, Überwimmer Margarethe, Stadlmann Christian, Tempelmayr David und Anna Biedersberger (2019), „A neo-configurational perspective on the required capability configuration for successful servitization”, angenommen: QUIS16, International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice, Karlstad.
Biedersberger Anna, Tempelmayr David, Stadlmann Christian, Mang Stefan, Doris Ehrlinger und Überwimmer Margarethe (2019), „Capability configurations for successful servitization processes within SMEs”, angenommen: Spring Servitization Conference 2019, Linköpping.
Biedersberger Anna, Ehrlinger Doris, Mang Stefan, Stadlmann Christian, Tempelmayr David und Überwimmer Margarethe (2019), „Industrial Service Excellence in manufacturing com-panies: a neo-configurational perspective“, angenommen: Cross Cultural Conference 2019, Steyr.
Tempelmayr David, Ehrlinger Doris, Stadlmann Christian, Überwimmer Margarethe, Mang Stefan und Biedersberger Anna (2018), „The Performance Effect of Dynamic Capabilities in Servitizing Companies”, in Proceedings / Cross Cultural Business Conference 2018, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr, 111-121.
Biedersberger Anna, Mang Stefan, Tempelmayr David, Ehrlinger Doris, Stadlmann Christian, Überwimmer Margarethe (2018), „Industrial Service Excellence - Antecedents and Measurement”, in Spring Servitization conference proceedings 2018, Kopenhagen, 2-8.
Stadlmann Christian, Ehrlinger Doris, Biedersberger Anna, Tempelmayr David, Mang Stefan, Überwimmer Margarethe (2018), „Antecedents and Measurement of Industrial Service Excellence in Manufacturing Companies“, in SERVSIG conference proceedings 2018, Paris, 23-27. (abgerufen am 19.6.2018)
Biedersberger Anna, Mang Stefan, Tempelmayr David, Ehrlinger Doris, Stadlmann Christian, Überwimmer Margarethe (2018), „Antecedents and Measurement of excellent Industrial Services”, in Frontiers in Service Conference Abstracts 2018, Austin, 13-14.
Tempelmayr David, Stadlmann Christian, Mang Stefan, Überwimmer Margarethe, Ehrlinger Doris (2017), „A framework of capabilities and business dimensions influencing servitization based upon service dominant logic, service science and network and system theory”, in Proceedings / The 5th Naples Forum on Service, 116.
Mang Stefan, Biedersberger Anna, Überwimmer Margarethe und Ehrlinger Doris (2017), „Achieving Industrial Service Excellence – drivers for success”, in Proceedings / QUIS15, International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Porto, 57-59.
Mang Stefan, Biedersberger Anna, Stadlmann Christian und Tempelmayr David (2017), „Drivers for Industrial Service Excellence”, in Proceedings / 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, New York City, 253.
Ehrlinger Doris, Tempelmayr David, Stadlmann Christian, Mang Stefan und Biedersberger Anna (2017), „Selling Industrial Services – How to Achieve Industrial Service Excellence”, in Proceedings / Cross Cultural Conference 2017, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr, 149-157.